Snap 是 Canonical 开发的包管理系统,默认安装于 Ubuntu 16.04 及其后的发行版本中。
自包含:不受限于发行版的系统库版本,且每个包之间不存在运行库依赖。 -
只读挂载:应用程序不能修改或删除,且不会污染系统应用程序或库。 -
回退:内置回退旧版本。 -
快照:内置备份和恢复应用数据。 -
1、首先安装COPR插件和EPEL,通过添加epel存储库并安装copr yum插件来启动安装,运行如下命令:
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install yum-plugin-copr
$ sudo yum copr enable ngompa/snapcore-el7
Loaded plugins: copr, fastestmirror
You are about to enable a Copr repository. Please note that this repository is not part of the main Fedora distribution, and quality may vary.
The Fedora Project does not exercise any power over the contents of this repository beyond the rules outlined in the Copr FAQ at, and packages are not held to any quality or securty level.
Please do not file bug reports about these packages in Fedora Bugzilla. In case of problems, contact the owner of this repository.
Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y
copr done
sudo yum -y install snapd
4、等待安装完成后启用snapd socket:
$ sudo systemctl enable –now snapd.socket
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/snapd.socket.
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
# snap –help
用法:snap [OPTIONS]
Install, configure, refresh and remove snap packages. Snaps are ‘universal’ packages that work across many different Linux systems,enabling secure distribution of the latest apps and utilities for cloud, servers, desktops and the internet of things.
This is the CLI for snapd, a background service that takes care of snaps on the system. Start with ‘snap list’ to see installed snaps.
-h, –help——显示此帮助消息
ack——Adds an assertion to the system
alias——Sets up a manual alias
aliases——Lists aliases in the system
buy——Buys a snap
changes——List system changes
connect——Connects a plug to a slot
disable——Disables a snap in the system
disconnect——Disconnects a plug from a slot
download——Downloads the given snap
enable——Enables a snap in the system
find——Finds packages to install (aliases: search)
get——Prints configuration options
info——show detailed information about a snap
install——Installs a snap to the system
interface——Lists snap interfaces
interfaces——Lists interfaces in the system
known——Shows known assertions of the provided type
list——List installed snaps
login——Authenticates on snapd and the store
logout——Log out of the store
logs——Retrieve logs of services
pack——pack the given target dir as a snap
prefer——Prefer aliases from a snap and disable conflicts
refresh——Refreshes a snap in the system
remove——Removes a snap from the system
restart——Restart services
revert——Reverts the given snap to the previous state
run——Run the given snap command
services——Query the status of services
set——Changes configuration options
start——Start services
stop——Stop services
switch——Switches snap to a different channel
tasks——List a change’s tasks (aliases: change)
try——Tests a snap in the system
unalias——Unalias a manual alias or an entire snap
version ——Shows version details
watch——Watch a change in progress
whoami——Prints the email the user is logged in with.
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